I’ve been eyeing to travel internationally but the pandemic came so the plans to travel to South Korea and Bali Indonesia has been hold last 2020 and till now it’s just a dream to fulfill in the near future. My last international travel is in Singapore last 2012 and 2019. I’m hopeful that 2023 and […]
World Travel Guide: Top Places and Things to Do in Taiwan

There’s just so much to see in Taiwan! So, start preparing your itinerary. Here’s a list of places to visit and things to do in this awesome Asian country. Now that you don’t need a visa, there’s no excuse not to fly to Taiwan! It doesn’t matter whether you’re travelling with friends or alone – there’s something for everyone!
3 Ways to Have a Good Sleep Without Spending Too Much While Traveling

People who travel are often referred to as ‘living the dream’. Why is it then, that the dreams they have at night aren’t always the sweetest?! Well, being on the road is tough at times. Moving from place to place, from hotel to guesthouse to hostel (depending on your budget) can be exhausting. The kind […]